How to Navigate Your Recovery
Recovery from addiction is a complex process where commitment and community are required for success. Often, people assume recovery is completing a treatment program through an inpatient or outpatient treatment center, then going back to life as usual.
People may mistake treatment for the end of the recovery process. In reality, it is just the beginning. Recovery from addiction is a lifelong endeavor with many ups and downs before sobriety is solid.
Pink Cloud Syndrome
In early recovery, you may sometimes feel the effects of the pink cloud syndrome, feeling confident and enthusiastic about starting your new life. Pink cloud syndrome usually occurs after the detoxification stage of recovery and produces an overwhelming assurance about overcoming addiction. Pink cloud syndrome generates particular feelings, which include:
- Feelings of intense pleasure
- Optimism for the future
- Confidence about the ability to sustain sobriety
- Commitment to positive lifestyle transformations
- Positivity about recovery
- A calm state of mind
- Improved emotional awareness
- A tendency to disregard the hard work needed to support sobriety
Pink cloud syndrome has many advantages, but it also has many endangerments. You might wonder why feeling assertive and excited about recovery can be harmful. Pink cloud syndrome is beneficial because it creates positive perspectives creating enthusiasm about life.
After struggling through addiction for so long, feeling happy about the future is like fresh air. However, pink clouding can diminish once you return to everyday life, such as returning to work, interacting with loved ones, or handling household duties.
To balance a new way of life in recovery, focusing on small and attainable goals be may helpful. Some small steps that can help you succeed include:
- Devoting yourself to an exercise routine
- Improving eating habits
- Practicing meditation or devotion each morning
- Making sure to get at least eight hours of sleep each night
- Taking time to journal each night and documenting the good you experienced during the day
Finding Support to Nurture Your Recovery
The process of a substance use disorder results in profound alterations in the brain, behavior, and social functioning. Correspondingly, the process of recovery entails many changes.
Recovery support services can assist in providing healthy living resources. These recovery resources typically consist of housing, education, employment, social resources, and improved well-being.
Recovery can include unexpected events; therefore, it is essential to find community after treatment. With community comes accountability. Mutual aid groups are a well-known recovery support service that provides community and accountability.
In mutual aid groups, individuals focus on personal change. Those in the group can relate to one another because they share similar problems, and they can learn from each other’s experiences, which is the essential element of the support service.
12-Step Mutual Aid Groups
Women for Sobriety, AA, NA, and SMART Recovery are mutual aid groups for those in recovery. Research has provided evidence for effectiveness in recovery due to these groups’ supportive social networks. They increase the members’ capability to cope with dangerous social situations and negative emotions. In addition, they increase the motivation to recover, reduce depression, curb cravings, and improve psychological and spiritual well-being.
Al-Anon Family Groups
Al-non is a mutual aid group for friends and family members struggling with a loved one’s substance use disorder. Al-Anon is a 12-Step program that assists affected family members, concerned significant others, and friends through face-to-face or online meetings.
Al-Anon helps to promote emotional stability and sympathetic detachment from the loved one instead of teaching members to get their loved ones into treatment or recovery.
Peer Recovery Coaches
Peer recovery coaches are individuals in recovery that use their understanding and lived experience to help others struggling with addiction. Below are some crucial distinctions concerning peer recovery coaches:
- Peer recovery coaches are people in recovery who help others sustain sobriety using four types of support: emotional, informational, instrumental, and affiliational.
- Peer recovery coaches integrate into recovery community organizations, community health, mental health, addiction clinics, sober living homes, recovery high school programs, and college recovery programs.
- Peer recovery coaches are in treatment and recovery settings involving primary care, emergency departments, mental health clinics, criminal justice, child welfare, homeless agencies, and crisis outreach teams.
Prepare Yourself
Remember that your recovery does not end after treatment; it is the beginning. Before rehab is completed, the treatment center can help create a plan that includes continuing care to improve your chances of staying sober. Developing a post-treatment plan can help maintain sobriety. Connect with reliable support, including health care professionals, friends, and family, to assemble your recovery team and enhance your life as you live in recovery.
Take control of your recovery. Addiction treatment and recovery are the two of the most important decisions you will make in your life. If you or a loved one struggles with alcohol or drug addiction, we are here to help. Present Moments Recovery center in San Diego, California, provides an individualized and comprehensive approach to addiction with several levels of care to guarantee a successful recovery. At our family-run treatment center, you will be able to talk with therapists one-on-one, ensuring that all your needs are fulfilled. We concentrate on extensive treatment that is less intensive to support long-term sobriety. Present Moments Recovery center provides a comforting and home-like environment where you can finally allow yourself to heal. Present Moments Recovery believes recovery only happens in the present moment. Call us today to take control of your recovery and learn more about our services at (619) 363-4767.