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accredited sd ca detox

Addiction Treatment Program in San Diego

San Diego’s Top Rehab Program

Our Reputation for Facilitating Solid Change

drug treatment happy clientWe have the most caring staff and we provide long-term treatment. We know what it takes to help you solidify new behaviors and responses to life stressors. Stopping the intake of your drug of choice is merely the first step. For lasting change, there has to be work done to identify underlying issues and address them. For many of our clients, processing events that have happened in the past can also be of immense value as they begin the process of living a rewarding life in recovery.

Clients in our program receive frequent one-on-one counseling and participate in other therapeutic processes and activities, to read more about the treatment modalities employed at Present Moments, click here.

Staying With You for the Duration of Treatment

Our program has multiple levels of care that allow us to stay with our clients through the duration of treatment – from initial detox through residential treatment and continuing into outpatient treatment while living at our sober living in San Diego and outpatient counseling. You will be able to work with the same support system that has helped you establish your new drug (or alcohol) free life. We have a very strong presence in the local recovery community and our staff are highly respected for the work they have done with men and women to help them overcome addiction to alcohol or drugs (like opiates and heroin).

Licensed by California DHCS

Present Moments is a Fully Licensed Drug and Alcohol Detox Facility. Licensing by DHCS (California Department of Health Care Services) identifies those facilities which provide exceptional levels of service quality and are in substantial compliance with state program standards with regard to alcohol and other drug treatments.

DHCS Licensing and Certification Information:

Present Moments is licensed by the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to provide detoxification and residential treatment per license #370148AP that expires on 4/30/2025, which you can verify on the DHCS website here.

Present Moments is certified to provide outpatient drug treatment per certificate #370040AP that expires on 7/31/2025, which you can verify on the DHCS website here.

Get in Touch with Our Caring Team

We are waiting for your call. Don’t hesitate, pick up the phone and dial 619-363-4767 today.

Your first call will be greeted by one of our intake counselors who will be able to provide information on what program would be appropriate for your situation, as well as information about the process of getting treatment at our facility, if appropriate.

If Present Moments is the right fit for your current situation you will be speaking to Admissions Director Mark Gladden, who will be your guide throughout the process of arranging travel and undergoing an initial detox (if necessary). Mark has been the guide for dozens of men and women who have gotten their lives back by entering treatment at Present Moments. He has earned his reputation as being truly dedicated to the recovery of others. Mark will be the one to ‘show you the ropes’ when it comes to admitting to our facility for treatment

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You CAN Achieve Sobriety

We Are Here To Guide You