A "hand in hand" Drug treatment process - Acupuncture and Alcohol Detox
Acupuncture: Scam or Glam?
Many of believe that the way to recovery is to travel down many paths. We don't know what makes each client excited about their health, the bodies, their sobriety. We in the treatment world want to give our client as many experiences as possible. What we all agree on is that time and Spirituality is key to any successful and long term Sobriety plan. Exercise and Acupuncture are 2 major components that accomplish both. Acupuncture requires us to sit still and feel our bodies and emotions while it goes through a transformation, a release, an opening up of energy flowing through the body. It freaked me out the first time I had those needles on my head, I also and some around my nose and fingers. Thank you Acu-Fit for giving these experiences to our clients.
Thank you for visiting our blog. If you or someone you knows needs support getting started on their recovery journey, give me a call or drop me an email, I have resources to get you the help you deserve.
San Diego