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The Significance of Sober Living Homes

While getting sober can be uncomfortable initially, a sober living home can feel like a breath of fresh air. Staying sober is a scary concept for someone recovering from addiction. Returning to everyday life after treatment can lead to triggers that result in relapse. However, when an individual in recovery knows that they have a stable and supportive atmosphere to live in, there is an immense feeling of relief.

Sober living homes are alcohol and drug-free environments for people striving to avoid alcohol or drug use. A sober living home is a place to live and a place where other individuals in early recovery can find fellowship with others who have attended treatment and are on the path of long-term sobriety.

Advantages of Sober Living Homes

Sober living homes are proven to be highly effective for clients who struggle with alcohol or drug addiction. Some advantages of sober living homes include:

The Opportunity for Accountability

In a sober living home, individuals are held accountable with established rules to keep all residents healthy and sober. Of course, no alcohol or drugs is the number one rule. In addition, there is usually a curfew set each night to ensure all residents are safe and sound.

Guidance and Support

Individuals in sober living homes live with others who support their recovery. House managers typically live in the house with the residents and are available for support. They assist with any problems that come to the surface in the recovery process, such as cravings, trouble finding employment, or just needing someone to confide.

Sober Relationships

Fellowship is found in sober living homes. Having people in your corner who understand what you are going through can profoundly impact your recovery journey. These individuals not only understand, but they know exactly how you feel when you get a craving, feel depressed, or want to lash out. You will meet some of the best friends of your life in sober living homes; they will be the type of friends who become family.

Improved Life Skills

Addiction to alcohol or drugs can cause other bad habits, such as unhealthy eating habits, bad hygiene, or becoming lazy. It is a domino effect where everything else in life begins to fall apart because addiction has become the priority. However, sober living homes provide a structure where individuals can learn to uphold a healthy routine and maintain personal obligations. Residents can also learn how to apply interpersonal skills and financial skills.

Newfound Independence

A sober living home can produce a refreshing sense of freedom. Residents begin to do various activities on their own. In a sober living home, the resident will look for jobs, grocery shop for meals, cook, and establish essential friendships with others who support their recovery. They have the freedom of choice to better their lives, all while living in a sober environment.

Reduce the Risk of Relapse

In a sober living home, residents can live in a space away from temptation and old friends or situations which could trigger a relapse. A sober living home gives you the chance to focus on yourself.

Stress-Free Transition Back to the Real World

Recovery is an ongoing journey that doesn't just end because treatment is over. A sober living home environment can allow residents to adjust to living independently. Additionally, residents in a sober living home attend meetings regularly, which helps them stay in a sober psychological state. Sober living homes allow individuals to experience what sober life feels like outside of the treatment environment.

Characteristics of Sober Living Homes

Some characteristics that sober living homes consist of:

  • Regular drug testing
  • Nightly breathalyzer testing
  • Access to outpatient counseling, psychiatry, or family therapy
  • Zero tolerance to promote a positive culture of recovery
  • Weekly communication with family
  • Development of life skills and coping skills

Sober Living IS NOT A TREATMENT Program. But it is part of an overall treatment program that plays the most critical component in the continuum of care…LIVING SOBER!! Those in Sober Living and living what they learned in a drug and alcohol-free environment surrounded by others going through the same challenges of early sobriety. Individuals can discover different skills and techniques to stay sober while living every day, one day at a time. They can also start working again, go back to college, join 12-Step programs, and start living life as a sober person with sober friends!!!!

Sober living homes like By the Sea Recovery offer residents supervised and supportive homes to reside in once they are ready to restart their careers or education after getting sober. Residents can stay connected to therapists and other clinical support staff through outpatient counseling as they work to live on their own.

Research has proven to reveal the significance of sober living homes. One continuous theme throughout each study discovered that social support and involvement in peer support groups were associated with abstinence from alcohol or drug use. Therefore, a sober living home can be an essential stepping-stone to continue on the path to recovery.

Living in recovery can raise concerns about life beyond treatment when you have done the work of getting sober and begin to approach the end of your addiction treatment program. We get it. Stepping into society after repairing your life in rehab can be scary. Having a place that understands addiction and recovery can help in your sobriety. Present Moments Recovery in San Diego, California, offers a comfortable and home-like environment where you can build a solid foundation and life skills to prepare you for life without rehab. Our family-run treatment center and sober living home provide a calming atmosphere to allow yourself to grow and heal. Present Moments Recovery believes recovery can only happen in the present moment. If you or a loved one are ready to start your recovery journey, Present Moments Recovery can help. Call us today and learn more about our services and our sober living homes, By the Sea Recovery, at (619) 363-4767.



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Mark G
Mark Gladden brings both personal and professional experience to his role as co-founder of Present Moments Recovery. Now in long-term recovery himself after struggling with addiction for years, Mark understands firsthand the challenges men face in achieving and maintaining sobriety. It was this insight, combined with a desire to help others, that led Mark to establish Present Moments Recovery.

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If Present Moments is the right fit for your current situation you will be speaking to Admissions Director Mark Gladden, who will be your guide throughout the process of arranging travel and undergoing an initial detox (if necessary). Mark has been the guide for dozens of men and women who have gotten their lives back by entering treatment at Present Moments. He has earned his reputation as being truly dedicated to the recovery of others. Mark will be the one to ‘show you the ropes’ when it comes to admitting to our facility for treatment

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