Way Too Early: Weiland
Scott Weiland, from the Stone Temple Pilots, dies on a tour bus from drug related issues. And yet again another celebrity that is tossed to the shocking waves of the largely misunderstood disease of drug addiction, yet there still seems attention on media related to the past and mental health, as if to say it is not the drugs, but a difficulty that comes to certain special individuals. The thing is, there are millions suffering and it deserves the attention it needs: addiction requires a recovery process that ultimately means change and continuous work. It is interesting that his family, specifically his wife, chose to mention the fact that he was not present. Weiland himself spoke of stopping heroin, yet still having difficulty with alcohol. So common for many who had drug problems rationalize to themselves and their social circles that its not as bad. Not so says the wife, the problem continued. Are we addressing addiction to the face or circumventing it? Are we giving a special treat to an artist because he or she made work that was positive to this world and we have a hard time accepting that one does not rationalize the other? How is the music industry going to change on these grounds? Will they not care on the health of a battling celebrity and continue to pump money out of their talent? When will a death get the attention it deserves: drugs. Its dirty. However, as we point the light the solution will come about. Prevention. Education. But above all, treatment and wellness.
San Diego